April 2023 Vs April 2022 Stats Broward Houses
Date Closed Sales
Apr-21 1,782
May-21 1,634
Jun-21 1,803
Jul-21 1,680
Aug-21 1,625
Sep-21 1,489
Oct-21 1,386
Nov-21 1,358
Dec-21 1,541
Jan-22 1,113
Feb-22 1,198
Mar-22 1,541
Apr-22 1,509
May-22 1,431
Jun-22 1,440
Jul-22 1,213
Aug-22 1,202
Sep-22 1,033
Oct-22 1,011
Nov-22 871
Dec-22 876
Jan-23 677
Feb-23 833
Mar-23 1,271
Apr-23 1,082
Homes are closing every day in Broward County.
New listings or inventory is 26% less than last year, this indicator keeps the County with less that 3 months worth of supply..
If you are thinking of making a move, don't hesitate to call me. I will be happy to help.
# April 2023 Houses inventory