Commercial Real Estate Websites
By Cecilia La Rosa,
What does a good investment for you look like:
Income producing properties: Commercial( more than 4 units) or residential (4 units or less)?
Apartment builidings or strip malls. Office buildings , medical offices, Hotels, Restaurants? Warehouses ? Land?

Did you know that Commercial Real estate has
different websites than the MLS?
Even though the MLS serves as the main source for listings, both residential and commercial, there are numerous other websites where you can find commercial properties and agents to assist you with your search.
Here are a couple of websites you can research for commercial real estate.
Commercial Real Estate Exchange :
I hope you find this information helpful. If you ever have any questions about residential real estate in Broward County, please don't hesitate to call me. I would be happy to help.
See Commercial Properties in Broward County
If you ever have a question don't hesitate to call 754- 273-0265